I've owned a few MPC1000's but I always ended up selling them because I found their defects extremely hard to work with. As covered in my MPC 1000 review these defects range from faulty pads, sensors, and tactile switches.
Elektron hardware is known for its innovative features such as parameter locks implemented on their popular xox-style sequencers. Parameter locks give you the ability to change parameters on a per-note basis by simply holding down the step and tweaking knobs. This yields very interesting results instantly.
I was recently given a pair of dead M-Audio AV40 near field monitors. These little speakers are great! However, I was puzzled as to how exactly they had failed. After some googling I found that a few of the capacitors used on these have a tendency to go bad and leak. I decided to open up the case and sure enough: I found the capactior were bulging and had a chemical leak at the top. I removed the capactitors and ordered them from mouser.com as follows:
It's got a gamepad on it, but it's not a GameBoy. It's got a keyboard on it, but it's not a synthesizer. It's running on Linux, but it's not a server. It's got a full-blown sequencer and it's not a tracker! It's KDJ-ONE!