Korg MS-20

Monday, March 1, 2004 to Friday, July 20, 2012I still remember when I won my first analog synth, the Korg MS-20, on an ebay auction for about $1000 in 2004. The synth was still in its cult-status haydays. That is until Korg decided to re-build and re-release the MS-20(min) in a smaller form factor. Just months before this was announced I decided it was time to let go of the MS-20 and sold it for $1,600 on craigslist. Great investment if you ask me! According to reviews and reports the MS-20 and MS-20 Mini are identical. The only difference is that the mini is smaller and has an audible noise floor. Personally I'd go with a mini since their much cheaper and don't mind a little noise. Best synth I've ever had though!
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